Motorcyclists will continue to scare people by lane-splitting

Ever have that mini heart attack when you’re in traffic and something whizzes by you at top speed?

This happens frequently in Southern California when motorcyclists take advantage of lane-splitting, which is illegal in every other state. Even though lane-splitting can be useful for those riders, most people in cars get frightened, annoyed, and fearful for their side mirrors when this happens.

California’s position on this is wishy-washy. According to the California Highway Patrol’s California Motorcyclist Safety Program, “California law does not allow or prohibit motorcycles from passing other vehicles proceeding in the same direction within the same lane.”

However, the state may soon be taking a stance on the issue. There is a new bill, AB 51, that would make lane-splitting legal. Motorcyclists would be allowed to do this when traffic is at 30 mph or below, and if they don’t go more than 10 mph than the surrounding traffic.

So don’t forget to take your heart medicine. Looks like the days of being scared out of our wits whilst in traffic are not going to end anytime soon.

You can read the original article here.